Microsoft unveils new streaming App (Xbox SmartGlass) to allow Xbox 360 users share content on mobile devices.

4th Jun 2012 | category: Apps | Hits: 13311 Microsoft unveils new streaming App (Xbox SmartGlass) to allow Xbox 360 users share content on mobile devices.

Microsoft unveiled new software called Xbox SmartGlass that will allow Xbox 360 users to share content across smartphones, tablets and TVs.

Xbox SmartGlass is an application for Windows 8, Windows Phone, and other portable devices that connects phones, PCs and tablets with your Xbox 360 console to make your entertainment smarter, more interactive and more fun. (1) The intelligence of Xbox SmartGlass makes your entertainment more engaging, Web surfing more effortless, and playing games more immersive by delivering companion content and control to enhance your TV experience. 

According to Don Mattrick, president of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. “With Xbox SmartGlass, we are lighting up entertainment across your phone, tablet, PC and TV in a completely new way. If you love to play games, watch TV and movies, surf the Web, or listen to music, there has never been a better time to be on Xbox.”

So for Windows lover here is a question "What if your tablet or phone knew what you were watching on TV and presented bonus features without you having to lift a finger?", well the Xbox SmartGlass App will help you have that dream.