HTML FORM Attributes that can save you a lot of Time & Javascript

19th Jul 2024 | category: Web Design and Development | Hits: 936

When developing a simple or complex form, there are some functions you want added into the form but your mind keeps running to Javascript. However HTML has got some nice attributes under its sleeves that could save you lots of time. Below is a list of some form attributes, we thought to bring to

HTML FORM Attributes that can save you a lot of Time & Javascript

EasyApache 4 in WHM/cPanel failed to load? Try RPM Database Recovery

27th Feb 2024 | category: Web Hosting | Hits: 2471

Those running WHM/Cpanel have faced a similar issue of EasyApache 4 failing to load with an error of "YUM encountered errors outside of EasyApache 4. Log into the system via SSH to resolve them, or you can click the "Refresh" button to rebuild the system's cache"

EasyApache 4 in WHM/cPanel failed to load? Try RPM Database Recovery

How to Add and Activate Custom SEO Fields on WordPress Posts & Pages in Your Custom Template

12th Feb 2024 | category: Web Design and Development | Hits: 1708

In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to enhance the search engine optimization (SEO) of your WordPress website by adding and activating custom SEO fields (Title, Description, Keywords) on your posts and pages. By using meta boxes and integrating them into your custom template, you can im

How to Add and Activate Custom SEO Fields on WordPress Posts & Pages in Your Custom Template

Howto move Cpanel accounts from one remote server to another using command line.

12th Jan 2024 | category: Web Hosting | Hits: 1257

To move cPanel accounts from one remote server to another using the command line, you can use the "pkgacct" utility provided by cPanel on the source server to create backup files of the cPanel accounts, transfer those backups to the new server, and then use the "restorepkg" utility on the new server

Howto move Cpanel accounts from one remote server to another using command line.

Howto remove .php, .html extensions on a web page using .htaccess file

28th Mar 2021 | category: Web Design and Development | Hits: 6595

Many times you will want to have user-friendly URLs on your site. Instead of you will want to have . The second URL looks much better. Also, from the SEO point of view it is better to don’t use file extensions.

Howto remove .php, .html extensions on a web page using .htaccess file

How to Increase the Max Upload Size Limit

13th Mar 2021 | category: Web Hosting | Hits: 418

Most of the times when uploading a bigger image file or a publication into a wordpress or Joomla or Drupal website, you get an error like “this file or image exceeds the maximum upload size for this website “

How to Increase the Max Upload Size Limit

RESOLVED in JOOMLA3.9: “Error: Application Instantiation Error: Call to undefined method JApplicationHelper::getHash()”

9th Feb 2021 | category: Web Design and Development | Hits: 394

You have just upgraded your joomla website from any older version to Joomla 3.9 and its sub versions but all sadden you get a Whitel Blank Screen (WBS). Well don’t panic my friend, we have a solution for you here - here are steps you should take.

RESOLVED in JOOMLA3.9: “Error: Application Instantiation Error: Call to undefined method JApplicationHelper::getHash()”

How to embed a tweet in to any website (WordPress, Joomla and Drupal)

9th Nov 2019 | category: Web Design and Development | Hits: 426

Embedding external content in to websites has become so common these days. This is a great idea in such away that information can be got from a secure platform and embedded into your website without necessarily using copy and paste.

How to embed a tweet in to any website (WordPress, Joomla and Drupal)

How to create new custom widget positions in WordPress using “functions.php” file.

28th Sep 2019 | category: Web Design and Development | Hits: 527

We well know that most of the templates in WordPress give us limited widget positions, as a developer one could really do a lot if the widget positions in WordPress were not that restricted. Most WordPress templates come with the Main sidebar and a few sidebars. Today I will show you how you create

How to create new custom widget positions in WordPress using “functions.php” file.

How to optimize your images for web without losing resolution

27th Sep 2019 | category: Web Design and Development | Hits: 564

Most of the sites are slow when it comes to loading due to having a lot of heavy files, these heavy files may include high resolutions images, videos, pdfs among others. These files use a lot of server resources which make the website very slow when loading.

How to optimize your images for web without losing resolution