EasyApache 4 in WHM/cPanel failed to load? Try RPM Database Recovery

27th Feb 2024 | category: Web Hosting | Hits: 2476

Those running WHM/Cpanel have faced a similar issue of EasyApache 4 failing to load with an error of "YUM encountered errors outside of EasyApache 4. Log into the system via SSH to resolve them, or you can click the "Refresh" button to rebuild the system's cache"

EasyApache 4 in WHM/cPanel failed to load? Try RPM Database Recovery

Howto move Cpanel accounts from one remote server to another using command line.

12th Jan 2024 | category: Web Hosting | Hits: 1257

To move cPanel accounts from one remote server to another using the command line, you can use the "pkgacct" utility provided by cPanel on the source server to create backup files of the cPanel accounts, transfer those backups to the new server, and then use the "restorepkg" utility on the new server

Howto move Cpanel accounts from one remote server to another using command line.

How to Increase the Max Upload Size Limit

13th Mar 2021 | category: Web Hosting | Hits: 420

Most of the times when uploading a bigger image file or a publication into a wordpress or Joomla or Drupal website, you get an error like “this file or image exceeds the maximum upload size for this website “

How to Increase the Max Upload Size Limit

What you need to know about “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded (Error 509)”.

4th Feb 2019 | category: Web Hosting | Hits: 408

Have you ever come across such an error on your website or when try to visit any other website, this error is quite annoying since you cannot proceed to get the information you require from a website.

What you need to know about “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded (Error 509)”.