24th Jul 2009 | category: Emails | Hits: 8256 HOWTO CONFIGURE MICROSOFT OUTLOOK EXPRESS

In any computer let it be desktop or laptop with windows operating system (2000, XP or VISTA) there is M/S Outlook Express or Windows Mail program which comes with the operating system already installed.
Before we start configuring outlook express or windows mail to pick and send emails you must ensure you have the following from your respectable mail/internet service provider:-

  • E-mail address. An example of an e-mail address is " or any other domain name".
  • Username. For example, if your e-mail address is, your username is "yourname." Sometimes username is your full email address ‘’
  • Password.
  • Incoming mail server name. An example of an incoming mail server is "".
  • Incoming mail server type. Is the incoming mail server type a POP3 server?
  • Outgoing mail server name. An example of an outgoing mail server is ""
  • Does your account require that you use secure password authentication?
  • Does the ISP use any non-standard e-mail ports say 26 or 1025?

Follow the steps below to configure your outlook program:-

Click START (on computer)

Click START (on computer) -> ALL PROGRAMS -> then OUTLOOK EXPRESS. You should have something as shown in Exhibit A:

Exhibit A Exhibit A

After opening your program (outlook express),

After opening your program (outlook express), a popup window in Exhibit B is shown that is if outlook express has never been configured.
If you however had outlook configured at once by someone else and you would like to have new account created follow the steps (2b).

a) Click TOOLS (in outlook express) ? ACCOUNTS, a new popup window with internet Accounts option should show.

b) On top of that popup window click MAIL and then click ADD button on your right hand side (RHS) then click MAIL again. You should have a window as shown in Exhibit B.

Enter your Full names in that space as shown in Exhibit B:

 Exhibit B Exhibit B

Enter Email Address

Click the NEXT button on that window. On the next window as shown in Exhibit C, Enter your full email address for example ‘’. Then click NEXT.

Exhibit C Exhibit C

Enter Server Details (Incoming & Outgoing)

On this stage you will be required to provide your Email server names (incoming POP/IMAP/HTTP) or (outgoing SMTP) as provided by your ISP (internet service provider) as we mentioned earlier. You should have window similar to Exhibit D then click NEXT after.

Exhibit D Exhibit D

Enter username and password

On your next stage configure your username and password as provided by your ISP. Example “bob” or “” . see Exhibit E
Then click NEXT .

Exhibit E Exhibit E

Then next window should be congratulating you for having successfully configured your outlook express or windows mail.


  • - Click on Create Mail button and send a test message to any of your friend’s email address to confirm that your outgoing server settings are fine. Then ask that particular person to reply so that you can receive to confirm that your incoming server is working fine.
  • - If the two way (sending and receiving emails) is working fine then you have successfully tested.
  • Always configure your email outlook express or windows email to “leave a copy on server”.
  • Do not forget to enable “my server requires authentication” option if required or recommended by your ISP.
  • Always make sure you have the right incoming POP3/IMAP/HTTP and outgoing SMTP port numbers.